
One Piece: Silent Dusk Map1 Part 2

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

“Guriririri, that’s a funny one. You? Pirate king? You may as well call me a god.” laughed Alec heartily.

“I get it alright! I’m not Pirate king, but I will be. That is my goal after all.”

“Well I guess that makes us rivals. The title itself doesn't matter too me, but the treasure. That is my target.”

“Mmh!” Salem huffs angrily at Alec.

“What’s with you?”

“You can’t be king, that’s for me! And I’ll knock over anyone in my way.”

“Oh? Then try it. I guarantee you can’t beat me.”

And with the those the battle between them begins. “Hya!” Salem runs in and throws a punch and his Alec in the center of his chest, but as he makes contact he slips and falls to the ground.
“Huh?” Confused, Salem stand to his feet and throws another punch only for it to slip off again.

“Well? I’m waiting… You gonna hit me or what?” standing over Salem with a confident smirk.
“Rgh!” Salem now angered further throws a barrage of punches at Alec’s face and like his other attempts they bounce off him leaving no pain or even a bruise. “Why can’t hit you?”

“ Friction Iron Stamp!” Alec cocks his arm back and punches him through the offices window. Salem falls several stories from the window and crashes into the ground. Following after him Alec leaps out the window and with a tight grip slides down the side of the building.

“[Cough, cough] What was that? You’re a Devil Fruit eater?

“Yep, the Friction Friction Fruit. With it I can add friction creating a strong grip or even heat. Or I can remove it and all things I touch will slide. I am a frictionless human.”

“Frictionless human? How do I beat someone I can’t land a blow on? (This won’t be easy…)” Salem stands to his feet and points his finger at Alec like a child playing “Guns”.

“What are you doing?” pondered Alec scratching his head.

“I’ll shoot through you and rise Alec. I’m gonna become king, so get out of my way!

“Sorry Sal, but I want the Pirate King’s treasure and I won’t let you stop me.”

“Then we’ll have to decide it here.” dropping his hand in the same position, but rests his thumb and drops it as well. Suddenly a gun goes off and a bullet passes by Salem’s feet. “Gah!” As he looks down he sees that his fingertip had turned into the shape of a pistol barrel and is smoking. “A gun?! My hand is a gun?! Was that apple a Devil Fruit?”

“What? (Ah, so that’s what was in the chest.)”

“Gun Gun Pistol!” Salem pulls his thumb back again and aims at Alec. He drops his thumb and fires a bullet. Alec dodges the full force of the bullet and gets grazed instead on his arm.

“Ngh, that was a surprise. It was faster than I thought for a Devil Fruit skill, and that was a ten ring shot. I could have died. I’ll have to take this seriously.”

“Gun Gun Dual Pistol!” Salem takes his other hand and and aims both hands at Alec and begins firing.

“Friction Iron Grip!” Alec draws his arms close and shields himself. As the bullets hit they stop cold and don’t even pierce him, but instead stay attached to his body. “Damn, hits harder than I thought, but I’m stronger. Friction Slide Repel!”  Alec holds out his right arm covered in bullets and they all shoot back at Salem.

“AHH! (Need a shield, but…!)” Protecting himself Salem puts his left arm in front and it morphs into a shield and ricochets the bullets.

“You’re kidding me?! A shield too?!”

“Whoa! I get a shield by thought?” And with that a devilish grin creepily widens on Salem's face. “Class Shift: Knight!”  Salem swings his arm back and thrusts into the sky and his pistol hand fluidly changes shape into a long gray sword blade with a hilt at his wrist. With sword and shield ready Salem dashes forth and slashes at Alec.

“Whoa! It seems you’re getting hang of that fruit quite easily, but if you want to beat me you’ll need more experience! Friction Iron Grip!” Alec throws out his hand and without getting cut stops Salem. With one swift movement Alec snaps Salem’s sword in 2 with his knee like breaking a broomstick.

“Gah! That hurt!” Salem writhes in pain as he holds up his broken sword hand.

“Hmm. It’s hard like metal, but it broke and feels like plastic. So that is his Devil Fruit.”

Salem undoes his transformation and returns his hands to their normal shape. “Dammit, that hurt!”

“You’re adapting to the Plastic Plastic Fruit nicely, tell you what. Join my crew and I’ll let you have the title.”

“Screw that! I’m going after the One Piece! I can’t be king without it!”

While Alec and Salem duke it out several Marines are waking up their captain. “Captain Babel, wake up!” shaking his superior.

“Ngh, where’s Alec?”

“He was seen running throughout the building with someone on his back, probably one of the escaped prisoners on the floor above. We've heard gunshots, but can’t seem to find the shooter. And one of the prisoners seem to have taken the chest in your room.”

“WHAT?! How can you men be this INCOMPETENT?” Did you even think about checking if they escaped the building? Hurry to the courtyard!” As not to be scolded farther all the marine subordinates in the room flee and gather the others while Captain Babel dusts himself off all as a lone watchman surveys from above in a busted cell. Babel leaves the room and the observer falls in and quietly blends into the shadows escaping the notice of all the officers.

Meanwhile, the fight between Salem and Alec escalates with Alec using his Devil fruit to hold the broken sword piece on the backside of his hand. “Damn, Alec is good. He’s turned my own sword against me, I need something long range. That’s it!” Salem thrusts out his left hand and spreads his fingers. Planting his feet into the ground he steadies his arm with his other hand and fires a thick needle bound by a chain. “Plastic Plastic Harpoon Chain!” Swimming through the air the harpoon hits Alec, but out of self concern stops it with his Devil Fruit.

“Man, that was close. A second later and you could have pierced my body. (But damn this still hurts like hell!)”

“That’s what I was counting on!” Salem grips tightly to the chain and with all his might yanks Alec in. “Plastic Plastic Piston!” Salem throws his fist and it morphs into a piston and stretches out, hitting Alec in his lower abdomen.

“Twaahh!” he cries as he flies back hitting the ground.

“Yeah! Salem 1; Alec 3! I’m moving up!”

“[Cough] Friction Slide Off.” The harpoon flops from Alec’s chest and hits the ground and then is dragged back into Salem. Standing to his feet in pain Alec prepares another attack. “Friction Step N’ Slide!” Alec takes one step forward and with it he slides through the dirt and grass like a figure skater. “Friction Knuckle!” Alec clenches his right fist and it glows bright red and begins generating heat. With one swing he clocks Salem in his chest cavity and sends him reeling into the wall.

“Gak! Gahh, it burns! My body, it’s actually melting! OOOWWW!!“ Truly, Salem lay there on the ground squirming as his body melts and deforms.

“I told you. I can generate heat with friction. I can burn right through you.”

“Rgh! Don’t underestimate me! Plastic Plastic Caltrop!” Salem curls into a ball and from his back jump a number of spikes.

“Woah!” jumping away from the long spikes. “Wise guy huh? Alright, I gave you a chance at the One Piece and even invited you into my crew. But now I've been pushed, so it would be best I get rid of the thorn in my side.” Alec’s hand glows brighter and he reaches down to melt Salem when a passing bullet zips by his face.

“Hold it right there Kid! You won’t get away this time, we’re surrounding you as we speak.” bellowed the numerous Marines actually surrounding him as they spoke. “There’s nowhere to go. Give up!”


“It’s over Alec. Surrender and I might just leave you intact for Cipher Pol.” spoke the Captain, Babel, as he slowly enters the courtyard.

“Ngh, hold on. I ain't done with him yet.” choked Salem, standing forth with his spikes receding. “I won’t give up, till I kick his ass!”

“Hm? You, you’re the little bastard that fell through the roof. Heh, we’ll take you into custody too, for disrupting official business of the World Government.”

“As if. I’m just getting my story started, and I don’t intend on cutting it short here, ‘cause I’m gonna be the Pirate King!”

“Now you’re just giving us reason to arrest you.That statement alone is like declaring war against the Marines as well as the Government. Seize them!” On order the ring of sailor officers rush in at Alec and Salem.

“You don’t mind a quick truce do you? Eh, Sally-boy?”

“A wise man knows when to lay down his sword, but I’m not a wise man. Now let’s kick some ass!”

Salem and Alec jump to each others backs and at the same time use their Devil Fruit powers. “Plastic Plastic Poleaxe!”

“Friction Knuckle Multiply!” As Salem creates a long poleaxe from his plastic and sweeps through the Marines, Alec lets loose a barrage of swift and high heat punches among the large group, forcing them back.

“Dammit men, you’re Marines! Stand up and catch these pirates!” shouts Captain Babel.

“Yes, sir!” Immediately the men rise up and rush back into battle. “Attack!”

“Go, Execution by Firing Squad!” yelled their commander. The Marines line up with their gunmen in front and begin firing one after another.

“Get down!” Alec jumps in front of Salem and takes the hit. “Friction Iron Grip!” The bullets stick to Alec like glue as his back becomes covered in lead. “Friction Slide Repel!” With that his back shoots back all the bullets riddling the Marines painfully.

“You’re not done yet! Stand up and capture those damn pirates.” shrieked Babel once more.

“Sir, yes sir!” Although full of pain the men stand tall without question, and those no longer able to hold a gun or sword dive in with fists clenched like steel.

“Stay down, Plastic Plastic Warhammer!” With his Devil Fruit Salem changes his poleaxe into a giant mallet and swings horizontally. The mallet catches the Marines before him and are slung into the wall of the base.

“Get your incompetent asses up! Seize them now! Or I’ll kick beat the hell out of you after I do it myself!”

“Sir!” Once more the men stand rush in to fight, but are knocked back again.

“Why… do they… keep getting… up!” groaned Salem hoarsely.”

“I've seen men get beat less and still stay down. Which means… You ate a Devil Fruit, didn't you Captain Babel?

“So you figured it out. That’s right. I ate the Law Law Fruit, now I am an order human. Any order I give out is followed without question, even in death. But since these men can’t get the job done I’ll finish you both myself.” From the holster on his waist and back Babel draws a flintlock pistol and a saber.

“Be careful. This guy is stronger than you, and I had trouble staving him off when he raided my ship.”

“I can handle him just fine.” Salem cocks back his arms and double punches at Captain Babel. “Plastic Plastic Double Piston!”

“Pathetic!” Babel using his saber tosses Salem into the air, and swiftly fires off three rounds from his pistol.

“Whoa! Plastic Plastic Tear Drop!” To protect himself Salem converges his hands and turns his dual pistons into a teardrop shaped shield. But one of the bullets bypass the shield and rip through his leg. “ARGH!” he cries, falling to the ground. “Plastic Plastic Cushion.” Salem puffs up his chest and his torso expands and becomes like a plush cushion, softening his fall.

“You alright?”

“Like a million belly baby. I think it best I let you get [Cough] a shot in.”

“As if you had to say.” Alec places his hands on the ground and by using his powers he rips out a chunk of earth the size of a grown man. “Friction Stalactite; Full Repel!” The shard of earth blasts away like a rocket.

As it flies through the air Babel braces himself and with a single slash he slices the projectile in two. “Did you fools really think you could beat me? I trained on the Grand Line since infancy and was stationed out here to clean up these seas. The two of you are gonna rot in Impel Down.” Captain Babel walks closer and kicks Alec down. “I won’t maim you too badly.” Captain Babel raises his sword and swings at Alec.

“No!” With his body strained Salem finds what minuscule power left and leaps forth. Blocking the attack Salem is cut deep. “Gragh!”


“Did you think protecting him would do anything? Then again, you only made this faster.” Captain Babel kicks Salem aside and prepares once more for a second strike. “Good-bye.”
Presenting part 2 of chapter 1. Salem has eaten the Devil Fruit and his powers are sprouting, yet he gets into a brawl with his new friend. Meanwhile the Marines are getting ready to subdue them both.

Same chapter , Part…
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MadameFuriosa's avatar
A cliffhanger!!! You wrote a good fanfiction :3